Page 370 - บทความแนวปฏิบัติที่ดี KM มทร.+2 ครั้งที่ 10
P. 370
ค าส าคัญ: ผู้เรียนเป็นส าคัญ การสอนศิลปะ วิธีการสาธิต
College of Fine Arts has been teaching the culture and art of national and
international art for over half a century. There are expert technicians and masters who
have a lot of knowledge experience and expertise in all aspects of performance art and
teaching. Evidence and traces that remain on both the works and the document shows
that knowledge is not being stored in a systematic and principled.Some of the knowledge
and expertise has been lost with the passage of time and personnel.Some areas of Cognitive
Knowledge and theory are something difficult to record a message or writing. Knowledge
management is necessary to create tools and activities such as the meetings, to
demonstrate cooperation, to be united in mind for the activities opinion, the use of various
technology and media coverage, including the various services offered to accommodate in
any areas of operation. Activities of both the creation and acquisition of knowledge is
supported by the above mentioned and creates the activities hereinafter, Knowledge
Identification, Knowledge Creation and Acquisition ,Knowledge organization , Knowledge
Codification and Refinement, Knowledge Access, Knowledge Sharing and Learning in order to
be able to store the knowledge of experts and teachers who are still working in the
organization in terms of knowledge and skills. As well as valuable experience and led them
to develop cognitive academic potential. Bring about learning application solutions in all
dimensions such both the instructor and the lessons the creation of innovative media
and the techniques on how to improve the learning and cognitive
development. Knowledge Management “Arts Teaching: Demonstration Method” is
knowledge management of the art teaching and learning that emphasizes the importance
of learner and a center of learning. It is a process that provides perception and
perspective of variety dimensions and holistic approach to learning management. So that
knowledge can reflect the content, learning procedure, technical methods of teaching and
learning. It also demonstrates proficiency, experience and solutions to convey its teachings
to lead the revision and development of its students. Knowledge management was made to
acquire new knowledge both the content analysis of education, form and content in
learning management with demonstration, techniques and procedures for the
demonstration including the motivation and classroom atmosphere. It is the duty of all
parties involved in the implementation of knowledge management formed to create and
organize a filing system and converting the implications of knowledge into the symbol and
way in design with the medias, including convenient and advanced technology for quick,
easy to access and apply for teaching and learning management so as to improve the
capability of learners. It is the development of teaching and create new knowledge